Timetable Viewer
Welcome to the 2022 Timetable Viewer. This site shows course and location timetables for 3rd Jan 2022 to 1st Jan 2023.
Select 'Courses' to view Semester One (_S1), Semester Two (_S2), Summer (_X1) , Autumn (_X2), Winter (_X3) or Spring (_X4) class timetables.
Check 'List timetables' using 'All week' and 'Full day' for the selected 'weeks/session'. When using 'Grid timetables' for a calendar view, click in the top, darker section of the activity cell to see a pop-up with more class details.
Class "delivery types" displayed next to location details show how that specific activity will be taught. It might be online only ('online live'), in person only ('on campus'), on campus with an online broadcast (livestream), or online/on campus live together ('dual delivery'). 'prerecorded' classes are shown in the timetable but do not have a real time attendance requirement. For some classes 'recordings' of the live activity might also be made available at a later time. Course websites will confirm recording arrangements to enrolled students.
Find more information in the course catalogue at the Programs and Courses website and closer to the start of semester at Wattle course sites.
The S2 2022 timetable is due for finalisation on 14 June 2022. Changes to class timetables are minimised wherever possible but may still occur in unavoidable circumstances. Please check details before the start of semester.
Find more S2 2022 release information and notices at the Timetabling website. General information about locations, equipment and room availability can also be found at the Timetabling website.
For help with this site see the Timetable Instructions (PDF, 1476 KB)